Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog 8 - Summary and Comments on Peers

This entire entrepreneurial idea and blog reflection each week has made me aware of how much goes into creating, marketing and keeping up with a new product.  My verbcal idea evolved each week as I learned new things in class, such as what google did to obtain voice recognition samples.  Since my product is geared on voice recognition it will be key for me to make sure that my users can utilize my product with ease and comfort thus I will need excellent voice recognition software.

Before doing this project I did not know that apple only allows certain apps to go forth and that they screen them.  This can pose as a huge problem because if there are other apps similar to mine apple might not want to go forth and allow mine to be on their market.  Although blackberry and andriod allow any type of app this means there is more competition, yet I can be assured that my app will be launched with them.

Another aspect I had to consider in the last week of the project that I didn't envision when I first began was protection - I will have to make sure that I protect my app and all the contents related to it.  Furthermore, it didn't occur to me that the way for me to make revenue thru this app would be thru advertisements.  Although advertising is great the issue of money and transactions comes into play.  I will thus need to establish familiarity with paypal and online bank accounts to ensure that I am not getting money stolen/my funds are properly allocated.

Overall this project gave me great insight on many facets of entrepreneurial ideas related to information and technology!  I really enjoyed furthering my ideas each week based on what I learned in the classroom.

Blogs that I commented: "rbhailu195" "bjkillen" "hasimon" and "rachsampsist195"

Blog due date: Monday, March 28th

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week 7 – Computer Forensics

There will be many ways in which verbcal is affected by computer forensics.  The first is through theft, although the app will be free on all smart phones it will be extremely important to protect all of my software that powers the app.  The way in which I will earn revenue from the app will be through advertisements on the top of the app screen (they will be in banner format across the top of the app and vendors will pay me money and thus gain advertisement when people use my app). 

When getting payment thru paypal, credit cards and checks it will be key to shred all documents that I print and make sure all account numbers are stored in a safe place.  Additionally it will be extremely important to have effective booking keeping in an excel document in which I can see my revenue and monitor all transactions to make sure I am not getting stiffed by my money.  Also I will have to pay my employees that work with me to create the app so I will have to make sure I have enough money through ads to pay them.  Since my computer hard drive holds all the data I will have to make sure that once I get new computers I ensure the old information is properly deleted (via the DOD law S220.22-M (Department of Defense) and that it gets disintegrate, incinerate, pulverize, shred or melt.

The last thing I can do that relates to my verbcal and computer forensics will be to defrag my computer drive to ensure that I don’t lose key documents and other important things (this will help me to ensure that my computer operates as fast as possible).  Computer security is key in every aspect of  most businesses and I will need to make sure I also protect the software that I use and hackers don’t access it because that could cause me serious problems in the future.

Blog Due Date: Monday, March 21, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Blog 6 - Operating Systems

This week we talked about Windows versus Mac, operating systems and the way that software and applications function.  The key factor that will apply to verbcal is the ability for the phones which the app is on to have a multi tasking feature.  As we learned, the original iphone had no multitasking features and was not easily able to switch between tasks.  Despite the new updates and iphones making multi tasking a bit easier the Android might be a better place to execute the usage of this app.

Unlike iphone, the android allows for open source applications to be used, this means it is easier to get apps approved for trail, editing etc.  Apple will be much more vigorous acquiring a license and getting the app approved might be a lot of unnecessary work until it is perfected. This lecture made me realize how important it will be to review, edit and check all aspects of my proposed app.  From spelling to technology related tasks it will be key to make sure I perfect everything before applying to launch with Apple.

One venue I didn't really consider until lecture this week would be expanding this app onto tablets - as this is the way of the future and the verbcal can work with the same mobility features as any smartphone verbcal app.  It will be much easier to launch this on the zoom as it allows for more flexibility, widgets on the screen and movement between tasks.  The verbcal app on the ipad might be more difficult as it is not as easy to switch between tasks and input verbal dates, times and assignments.  The pros about launching with Apple is that I will know how well my app is built and the success will probably be widespread as Apple will be more critical than opponents such as Android.

Blog due date: March 7th