Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog 8 - Summary and Comments on Peers

This entire entrepreneurial idea and blog reflection each week has made me aware of how much goes into creating, marketing and keeping up with a new product.  My verbcal idea evolved each week as I learned new things in class, such as what google did to obtain voice recognition samples.  Since my product is geared on voice recognition it will be key for me to make sure that my users can utilize my product with ease and comfort thus I will need excellent voice recognition software.

Before doing this project I did not know that apple only allows certain apps to go forth and that they screen them.  This can pose as a huge problem because if there are other apps similar to mine apple might not want to go forth and allow mine to be on their market.  Although blackberry and andriod allow any type of app this means there is more competition, yet I can be assured that my app will be launched with them.

Another aspect I had to consider in the last week of the project that I didn't envision when I first began was protection - I will have to make sure that I protect my app and all the contents related to it.  Furthermore, it didn't occur to me that the way for me to make revenue thru this app would be thru advertisements.  Although advertising is great the issue of money and transactions comes into play.  I will thus need to establish familiarity with paypal and online bank accounts to ensure that I am not getting money stolen/my funds are properly allocated.

Overall this project gave me great insight on many facets of entrepreneurial ideas related to information and technology!  I really enjoyed furthering my ideas each week based on what I learned in the classroom.

Blogs that I commented: "rbhailu195" "bjkillen" "hasimon" and "rachsampsist195"

Blog due date: Monday, March 28th

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