Friday, February 4, 2011

Week 2 - Spreadsheet Essentials & Application Software

Verbcal and Software:

There are many ways that I will be able to use this weeks lecture, specifically when launching my app.  When the app initially launches I will want to promote it with an interactive website that describes all of the  features, tutorials and details on the basics of how the users should use the app.  The website will need html coding as we learned in class this week.  Therefore I will need to know how to code specific colors for the text on the website as well as the background.  For example if I want one page to have a red background I will need to code it FF 00 00 and for a magenta page I would need to code it FF 00 FF.  By having an in depth understanding of how the 0-F color coding scale works and other html features I will save money because I will not have to hire someone to create my website since I will be able to do it myself.

Excel will be an integral part of the application launch and usage because it will enable me to track data of my users and the specifics of each part of the app.  When people download the app I can record their usage, their favorite parts of the app, the type of information they are storing on the verbcal and the frequency of visits the app gets.  I can then create graphs and charts to report out on the success of the verbcal and learn from my customers on what needs attention and what needs to be improved.

I can also record revenues (income and payments out) in excel and further use if then statements to see whether my accounts have sufficient funds to pay all fees that I will incur.  Overall excel my implementation of excel will be essential because it will save me time from doing math by hand and it will aid me in being able to track success measures of verbcal.

Blog due date: February 7th

1 comment:

  1. Nice application of the technology concepts covered in class to your idea.
