Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week 5- Blog Review Post

The technology blog that I have found is called TechCrunch and the main blogger is MG Siegler, he blogs about all different topics such as: facebook, groupon, twitter, apple and google.  There are various subtopics covered in his blog such as green technology, technology, gadgets, enterprise and mobile access. The specific blog entry that I read was quite compelling.  It was about one of the most recent and rudest behaviors our society stereotypes: using your cell phone at dinner.  I know my mom yells at me for it all the time and tells me to never do it.

In his blog Siegler talks about how he typically checks his phone under the table when in the presence of his mother, as most of us do, to keep parents content.  He hits on the exact issue of society: if you are not on your phone and the person you are with is, you feel awkward and in a way you feel compelled to pull out your phone and check emails, texts, facebook etc.  Siegler tackles this common belief of it being "rude" to pull out your cell phone and says how the usage of such allows you to be in contact with more than just the people you are with.  Although our generation is growing up "afraid" to whip our phones out in front of our parents we are a generation of innovation and connection and someday it won't be a question of using phones at dinner it will be a question of how they are used.

I found the last line of this particular entry really interesting: "In ten years, everyone goes to a restaurant and talks to one another without pulling out their phones at the table — or in ten years, the table is designed in a way to enable you to more easily use your phones? That’s an easy one."  It is inevitable that technology is taking over our future - we just have to be willing to adapt to the way we choose to let it.

Overall a really interesting post - and his entire blog looks really interesting too!

Here is the link to the blog:

Blog due date: February 28, 2011


  1. I read the blog, and I also thought it was fantastic. I found this passage interesting:

    "What’s annoying to me isn’t someone using their phone at the table, it’s the people who really believe I shouldn’t be allowed to use my phone. Why? So I can repress the desire I have to check the phone while failing to engage in a conversation so I can be able to quickly excuse myself to go to the bathroom to check the phone?"

    I think he is right in some ways. Historically, people have a hard time adjusting to the technology that dominates society in the next few years. It's only a matter of time until people realize that things are not what they used to be.

  2. Excellent blog review! I found the post to be very interesting, but I have to admit I am a bit old school and I honestly hope we don't move in the direction of enabling phone use at dinner. I think dinner should be a time to enjoy food and friends or family you are sharing it with. But I guess, only time will tell!
