Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 3 - Making of Your Laptop & Hardware Essentials/Digital Media

There are many ways in which digital media can aid my platform toward the launch and implementation of verbcal.  First, I can create tutorial videos on the various ways verbcal can be used (i.e. voice, calendar access, data entry etc.) and load these videos on my website.  To do this I will most likely use a progressive download as it is easier and less expensive then video streaming.  Additionally, this method will likely be supported by most computer users.  The draw back with Progressive Downloading is that users won't be able to fast forward until the entire video is downloaded.  Ideally once the videos are on my website I can link them to a YouTube account and create more chatter about how to use the app and the "user friendliness" it will offer.

In regard to hardware essentials for the creation of the company I will probably need a quad core in which I can have more speed and at least 8MB.  I most likely will not have a great deal of video aside from the tutorials so that won't use up too much space on my computer.  I will have a lot of spreadsheets and data for my website so it will be essential to have slots for my USB to go in (Ideally 2.0mbit/s).  The other parts to my computer will likely be a 3.20GHz chip, to allow for just enough speed to run the daily applications necessary and keep my website/social media updated.

Video will be essential in the launch/continuation of verbcal as it will directly show the consumer how user friendly verbcal is.  The link to the videos can be embedded on Facebook walls, within emails, in tweets and more!  Having a computer that I can create store all of my data and create updates/videos to will be an essential part of the success verbcal encounters.

Blog due date: February 14th

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